18 May 2007


Newton Third Law states that to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. If you want to move forward.. there will be a resistance trying to force you backward. This is a nature of life. More resistances and difficulties come.. you are closer to your dream..

"Difficulties increase the nearer we get to the goal." - Goethe

So.. whenever you face a difficulty.. always be calm and remember that this is a part of success.

"Anyone who proposes to do good must not expect people to roll stones out of his way but must accept his lot calmly if they even roll a few more upon it." - Albert Schweitzer


Anonymous said...

Wah. I tot Newton Law is only relevent to physic only. Hehe. New sight to see thing..

al_qamaru said...

saje je guna analogy 2.. nmpk sket cam bdk engin ;p